Resolution of Japan's pledge to contribute further to the building of international peace on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations, the end of World War II, and the atomic bombing
House of Representatives
National Diet of Japan
The House of Representatives of Japan resolves as follows:
Although the realization of international peace is the fervent desire of human beings throughout the world, the earth has never been without wars and other calamities.
The loss of life caused by war, terrorism, famine and disease, destruction of the natural environment and other disasters continues to plague us, while the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons is also feared.
Under such realities of the international society, this House pays deep tribute to the United Nations for its efforts and wisdom in creating and maintaining international peace in the past sixty years since its establishment.
Bearing in mind the Resolution to Renew the Determination for Peace on the basis of Lessons Learned from History adopted ten years ago, we the Members of this House reflect deeply on the many sufferings that our country in the past inflicted on the people of other countries, in particular, of Asia, and reiterate our sincerest sympathy for all the victims.
Under the ideal of permanent peace advocated by Japan's Constitution, the Government of Japan, as the only country that suffered atomic bombings, should make its utmost efforts to work hand in hand with all the other peoples of the world, and pave the way for the future and the sustainable development of human beings to live in harmony; that is, the abolishment of nuclear weapons, elimination of all kinds of war, and the pursuit of ways to create a World Federation.
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