Ambassador Hayashi’s attendance at the JST-ERATO Joint UK-Japan Symposium on Circadian Rhythms and Sleep

On 11 March 2024, Ambassador HAYASHI Hajime attended the JST-ERATO Joint UK-Japan Symposium on Circadian Rhythms and Sleep, an event organised by the ERATO Ueda Project and the University of Oxford. The ERATO Ueda Project is a project supported by the Japan Science and Technology Agency.
The symposium was the first joint Japan-UK effort in this field. It saw lively discussions involving a number of leading researchers from Japan and the UK, including Professor Hiroki Ueda of RIKEN and the University of Tokyo and Professor Russell Foster from the University of Oxford.
In his speech, Ambassador Hayashi highlighted sleep research as a timely and very important topic, from both medical and scientific perspectives, in order to help solve some of the social problems faced by people today. He expressed his hope that the symposium would deepen cooperation between Japanese and UK researchers as well as increasing support for research and the exchange of information in this field, and that collaboration between Japan and the UK would further develop in the field of science and technology.