Ambassador and Madame Hayashi's attendance at the opening of the exhibition “Raku Kichizaemon XV Jikinyū”

On 16 May, Ambassador and Madame Hayashi attended the opening event of the exhibition “Raku Kichizaemon XV Jikinyū” at the Annely Juda Fine Art gallery in London.

The exhibition displays tea bowls by Raku Kichizaemon XV Jikinyū, who represents the 15th generation of a family of outstanding artisans that goes back to the 16th century in Japan. It is worth mentioning that this is the second exhibition of Raku Kichizaemon XV Jikinyū in the UK, following on from the successful event held in 2022

At the opening ceremony, which was attended by Jikinyu himself, Ambassador Hayashi stated that he was proud to unveil Jikinyu's new works. He declared that the artistry of Jikinyū served as a bridge between the timeless beauty of traditional Japan and the contemporary world. 

The exhibition will run from 16 May to 6 July 2024.
Visit the Annely Juda Fine Art website for more information about the exhibition.

Transcript of Ambassador’s remarks.